Sports injury treatment of shin splints in El Paso, TX

Sports Injury Treatment

Our Border Therapy Services team is capable of helping you with many types of sports injuries. One common running injury we can help you treat is shin splints. 

Border Therapy Services offers a wide range of helpful physical therapies to the residents in El Paso, Texas. One thing we enjoy about our jobs is that we’re often able to help you get back to playing the sports you love. To help you accomplish this goal, our team blends different therapies together to create the perfect therapy plan for your sports injuries. One type of sports injury treatment we’ve been especially successful with is healing shin splints. 

How our sports injury treatment helps your shin splints

Sports injury treatment is useful for many types of sports injuries. Our team at Border Therapy Services has used this form of treatment to help players of many different sports. But, one sport we commonly help treat injuries for is running. Our team is well aware that running is a demanding activity that can cause many types of injuries, such as shin splints. 

Shin splints are a repetitive motion injury that’s common to runners. We often see this injury result from issues like poor arch support in your running shoes. Another way shin splints can occur is if you have poor running form. Our team knows that either of these causes may be why you’re experiencing the lower leg bone, or tibia, pain associated with shin splints. To help you treat this injury, our therapists at Border Therapy Services will focus on helping you address both causes of shin splint pain. 

First, we’ll use therapies like ultrasound treatments and thermotherapy to help reduce your pain. Once your pain is under control, we’ll focus on helping you improve your running form. We’ll analyze your form and determine if particular muscles are weak or too tight, and we’ll then help you develop stretches and strengthening exercises to target these problems. By helping you improve your running form, our team may actually be able to help you prevent shin splints in the future. 

Come into one of our six El Paso, Texas offices for a free initial screening for your injury. You can also schedule your first sports injury treatment appointment with us now by contacting us online or by phone.