Can physical therapists prescribe pain meds?

Can Physical Therapists Prescribe Pain Meds?

Physical therapists are experts in human movement and musculoskeletal conditions. These conditions can cause different levels of pain. Yet, most physical therapists cannot prescribe pain meds. Have you tried a variety of pain management techniques and think pain meds might be the next step? Consider trying physical therapy first. 

Benefits of physical therapy 

One reason to try physical therapy before pain meds is that it treats the cause of the pain. Medication can be effective in negating pain. But this treats the symptom instead of the cause of the pain. Physical therapy, on the other hand, seeks to directly address the issue. Whether you suffer from low back pain, arthritis in the joints, or another condition that affects your movement or causes you pain throughout the day, physical therapy can help.

Types of physical therapy that can reduce your pain

Here are a few forms of pain management techniques offered by physical therapists:

  • Manual therapy — This technique is a form of hands-on treatment for the soft tissue and joints. It can help reduce pain and inflammation. Manual therapy may also help mobilize injured joints. This technique can be an effective alternative to pain medication in managing your pain.
  • Cardiovascular exercise — Low-impact movement can help alleviate widespread pain. Exercises like walking on a treadmill and water aerobics are examples of this. This can increase blood flow, which can reduce stress and tension in the muscles that contribute to your pain. 
  • Spine care and stabilization — If you’ve suffered an injury, developed a condition or experience back pain due to aging, physical therapy can help reduce your pain. Spine care involves targeted exercises and stretches to address back or neck pain. 

Border Therapy Services is ready to help relieve your pain

If you’re thinking about going on pain meds, consider trying physical therapy first. Our team at Border Therapy Services is ready to treat a wide variety of acute and chronic conditions. Our expert physical therapists are prepared to build you a personalized treatment plan to help relieve your pain and strengthen your body to prevent any future discomfort. 

Contact our team today for more information about pain relieving treatments or to schedule an initial appointment. 
